
When You Get Hurt

After I Getting more and more information about Hemingway I realized that his life is really full of danger and tragic , or we can say it is a legeng. Sometimes I really feel I can do noting to the current situation. we can't choose what life is in store for us. Howerer we can know that Everything that happens to us is a gift and that happens must be with a reason. It is because something seems unlucy to us at the time and we can not know the answer right away. There is one thing we are sure that it is must a gift to us. Just because God want us to Know and learn something and want us to a better man. Like Hemingway after his sufferring from these things, he gains more knowledge about love,life,and sufferring. He can writes with a true heart and these words can touch us softest part of our heart easily. Just learn to face and experience.
